Cedars-Sinai secures research funding to develop eye transplantation procedures to cure blindness
Cedars-Sinai to explore innovative surgical treatment options meant to restore vision for patients with total blindness
Cedars-Sinai has secured funding from the government for research aimed at pioneering new surgical approaches to cure total blindness through whole eye transplantation. Cedars joins several other prominent centers in this research. Their work will focus on developing protocols for the procurement and preservation of donor tissue as well as the eye transplant surgeries themselves.
As the first institution on the West Coast to have microsurgical robotic capabilities and a leader in novel approaches to treating eye diseases, Cedars Sinai will utilize the Symani Surgical System as part of their research efforts.
MMI is not affiliated with or partnering with Cedars-Sinai on ophthalmic research. This article is for informational purposes only and does not imply collaboration or endorsement between MMI and Cedars-Sinai.
The Symani Surgical System is not currently indicated for use in ophthalmic procedures. Approved clinical indications vary by geography. Refer to global indications for more information.
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The Symani Surgical System is authorized for use in the U.S. by the FDA and is a CE marked medical device. Clinical indications vary by geography. Refer to global indications for more information. © 2024 Medical Microinstruments, Inc. All Rights Reserved.